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Can't make your lesson?
Fill out this form

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You can also use your student portal to cancel a lesson


We DO NOT accept phone calls, voicemails, emails etc.. as an acceptable absence notice.

Click here to email us If you need your portal login link.

Frequently Asked Questions Attendance Policy

Please read through the our policy points below:

2 Make-up Credits per Semester

Each student gets 2 reschedules or cancellations per semester.  You will receive a make-up credit, which you can use to book another lesson.

24 hours before your lesson

You must cancel at least 24 hours before your lesson start time. Our system automatically calculates this.

Must use Student Portal

You must reschedule or cancel your lesson using your student portal. We DO NOT accept phone calls, emails, voicemails etc.. as acceptable notice. This is to keep it fair for all students & families.

Accepted absenses

The only accepted absence's that we will grant a make-up credit (beyond the 2 provided) are extreme circumstances. Sickness is not an excused absence.

Group Classes are not Eligible

Group classes (rockband, munchkins, choir etc..) are NOT eligible for a make up credit. As it is impossible to reschedule all members of the class for a makeup lesson.

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